Mistborn Trilogy
Brandon Sanderson
Book 1 - MistbornBook 2 - The Well of Ascension
Book 3 - The Hero of Ages

Creativity - The series is very creative. The system of magic is interesting and extremely original. Although it seems that all of Sanderson's systems of magic are original, the system in Mistborn is the most clever.
Characters - Two of his main characters, Kelsier and Vin are well developed and interesting characters. I like how Vin progresses throughout the first book. The protagonists are excellently painted. My favorites are the Lord Ruler and the Inquisitors. You really feel how evil and powerful they are when you read it.
Plot - The plot builds well, revealing information throughout the series. There are several interesting twists and turns along the way. I really liked the plot of the first and second books, but wasn't as into the plot of the third book. I didn't love the direction that it went in. .
Writing Style - Sanderson writes in a simple flowing style that is amazing. It's fun and easy to read, yet paints scenes and imagery excellently.
Rating - Trilogy - 4.5 stars
Mistborn - 5 stars
The Well of Ascension - 5 stars
The Hero of Ages - 4 stars